Michael Jackson is Dead

yg sihat akan sakit
yg muda akan tua
yg kaya mgkin akan miskin
yg senang akan sibuk
yg hidup akan mati

Untuk kita semua ingat 5 perkara sblm 5 perkara;

Sihat sebelum sakit
Muda sebelum tua
Kaya sebelum miskin
Lapang sebelum sempit
Hidup sebelum mati

Takziah (kalau betol dia islam..alhamdulilah mikhael jackson)kepada keluarga MJ.

tadi ngk news, representative kat us inform funeral MJ is expected to be a private funeral..

which means, media US ‘mungkin’ tak wat liputan besar2an.. which means.. maybe MJ dikebumikan cara Islam…

Tun Dr M pun pernah sebut.. media US dikuasai Yahudi… MJ pun ramai follower..nilai sendiri la kengkawan..

One of my fave song :

Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be
You're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold


But you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
But you are not alone

"You Are Not Alone" Written and composed by R Kelly.

Hope you rest in a better place now...mikhael

3 Years Ago

My prince charming, Masrul nizam

Thank you for giving me three beautiful years of my life,

A picture is worth a thousand words.

poyoz je tp ala2 cun gitu..

memory flash (gambar kawen aku)

pic ni baru selesai kenduri kt perak..stay kl jap..(free photography nie aku rembat la)

sentimental pics...landing at dungun

main air "beting"..layan jer (pakai bj keje huhu)

Loving you forever and always

Your lovely one,Mastura...


Ayah aku..Encik Ramli Bin Sulong
Ayah Nayli aka my hubby...Encik Masrul Nizam
(old pics of nayli @ kolej matrik gopeng, Perak)


THANK you for being the best father one ever be...

With you by my side, I no longer feel afraid to face the world
Together, hand in hand, we will live as happily as we can be,


From ibu and nayli

Tips of da day: Segala pengorbanannya x terbalas sehingga akhir hayat kita…


Just a little update about my little princess at home NUR NAYLI KHALEESYA. Not yet talking well…ckit2 bleh laa..my friends kata coz nayli dpt kaki n gigi awal so bercakap or ngomongnya konpem lmbt…jenuh si ibu ni tunggu (nnt ko x terlayan lak)…actually sume nayli dah faham tp xbleh nak sebut smoothly, adoi.. nowadays,senang la aku leh kasi order kat dia amik remote, amik tisu buang sampah and segala mak nenek laa (nayli : very bossy la ibu aku ni).. y x soh pon lagi laa terover rajin..aktif sesgt aka hyperactive gitu, penat gel tp still gemoks gak si ibu ni huhu..and first word from her tongue is AYAH around 5 months kot, jeles tau…

Lately nayli mcm diserang virus, not H1N1 ocayy tp virus “shh”

  • Fish --> ishh
  • Finish -->nishh
  • Abis --> bishh

(those three words above dah lama dpt)

  • Kipas --> pashh
  • Panas --> nashh
  • Opah --> opaheshh
  • Bus --> bushh
  • Giraffe --> wawashh
  • Eye --> eyshh
  • Nose --> noshh
  • Mak nah --> nashh
  • Thomas -->meshh
  • mouse --> moshh
  • best --> beshh
  • pedas --> dashh
  • atas --> tassh

(baca ikut maqras’h n harakat y betol ye)

Keluar tajuk : Nak mandi à nak ‘an’(amik tengah2)

K take care

Tips of da day:

Remember this, I tell u guys how fast kid's brains are? And how they are like sponges? Absorb everything especially on early ages.

Kalau dahulu, blog tidak begitu popular di kalangan kita rakyat Malaysia. Kalau ada pun, rata-rata yang menulis blog ketika itu berkisar pada perihal peribadi penulis blog itu sendiri. Cerita tentang cinta, cerita tentang apa yang dilakukan setiap hari dan macam-macam lagi. Selain itu, kebanyakan blog-blog dahulu menggunakan laras bahasa yang agak puitis serta syahdu mahdu.

Kini, berblog cukup popular di internet. Pelbagai tema blog boleh kita temui. Ada yang menulis tentang perjalanan diri sendiri, tentang pandangan peribadi, tentang muzik, tentang isu semasa, tentang produk dan yang paling popular adalah tentang pendapatan dari internet….aku lum include the group ek

Sehingga kini, seolah-olah dunia internet telah diserang oleh demam blog..Bila semakin banyak blog, maka akan timbullah lambakan blog. Dari satu sudut, ada bagusnya kerana ini menunjukkan telah ramai yang celik IT dan menjadikan blog sebagai satu medium tambahan sama ada untuk berinteraktif atau pun menjana pendapatan.
Namun disebalik itu, ada sedikit kekurang enakkan. Don’t have to elaborate more ..sendiri paham laa..

Walaupun berlaku lambakan blog, perkara ini ada positifnya. Ini kerana secara tidak langsung lambakan blog akan menjadikan wujudnya persaingan. Persaingan yang sihat. Hal ini demikian kerana tujuan utama kita berblog bukanlah semata suka-suka dan tidak ada blogger yang suka jika blognya tidak dikunjungi dan hasil tulisan di blognya tidak dihargai. Lagipun saja suka2 berblog, hanya membuatkan penat badan aje, buat letih urat leher, buat sakit tulang belakang dan buat membazir bil internet. Adapun tujuan kita berblog adalah untuk mempopularkan blog kita agar diketahui ramai, dikunjungi ramai, mendapat feedback dari orang ramai dan mendapat income dari orang ramai

Jadi, dengan lambakan blog ini, maka tugas kita adalah bersaing dan fikirkan apakah langkah yang perlu diambil dan diperbaharui agar blog kita sentiasa mendapat rating dan traffik yang tinggi atau dengan lain perkataan sentiasa popular…macam ijam . Secara keseluruhannya, apa yang dapat aku kongsikan adalah praktikkan beberapa langkah mudah untuk mencapai tujuan anda dalam berblog di sebalik lambakan blog nie.

1.Semestinya sentiasa berfikiran positif dan tetapkan matlamat anda ( u all dan aku )
2.Sentiasa berusaha untuk menambah ilmu. hanya dengan ilmu sahaja, matlamat kita akan tercapai.
3. Sentiasa kemaskini blog. Pastikan setiap minggu, ada post2 terbaru sebagai tanda kesungguhan anda dan komitmen anda dalam menuju impian anda
4. Sentiasa menghargai blog orang lain..jika inginkan blog kita dihargai.

Sumber : http://www.afzaiafandi.com
Edit : mas kuasa 2

Entry ni aku create coz nk motivate diri to have have fun in blogging..malu jer blog aku umpama idup segan mati xmau…(bukan xtau tp cik malaas alwiz be with me..shooooh)
Dapatan kajian : Tujuan aku berblog macam2 ada…

1) nak cari kengkawan….
2) nak make money…
3) nak dpt new knowledge..
4) nak share opinion…
5) nak mengasah skill menulis..(out laa but I try my best uhuu)


Today is our 3th wedding anniversary!!! Being married is the most beautiful phase in my life. It's when I learn more about responsibility, sacrifice and passion.

I've met my soul mate 6 years ago. During that time I never thought that we can get along very well because we have nothing in common and we didn't have the same interest either. For instance, he is a really adventurous person. He like to try something new and I was a very careful person, anti 'loves routine' and anti social person huhu. So we always have conflict to go out on date, because......? makes me easily get bored. But the fact is, we being different and see different things in each other makes us subconsciously attracted to each other. Also, we can't live without each other.

He's also a realist, and I'm a dreamer...but the best part is when he always make my dreams come true. I always adore him for being so brilliant, smart, workaholic (like his mother or 'opahesh' anak aku call her huhu) and complicated inside hehe. His loyalty and sincerity is the best part of him. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Then when we first met before, he told me he has nothing to offer. But I saw a very great and sincere man with full of love and faith. Through this 3 years of marriage, he has been given me so much, and I don't know if I will be able to give back all that he has been given to me. He has been my guiding light when I was lost (especially masa mula2 dulu). He has been my comforter through all my trials and sorrow. He has been my rock!

It is a love that is strong and enduring and will stand the test of time. I truly feel blessed that he has become a part of my life. May Allah bless our marriage forever and ever! Amin.